Where Here is Elsewhere
Site, Building 2 , School of Art, RMIT University
Melbourne, Australia
This exhibition was my final submission for my PhD exhibition examination. My exhibition for the PhD research, is a selection of artworks that includes: Curtain (2012), Bespoke (2013), Between Dreaming and Dying (2015), Closeness & Distance (2015) and two more recent artworks— Letting things be what they are (2016) and How much does your history weigh? (We are all together complicit in one way or another, here and elsewhere, then, now and tomorrow) (2016).
The title of this exhibition is borrowed from an essay title by curator, Jean Fisher, ‘Where here is elsewhere’ (Boullata 2008, pp. 61–74). It is an alluring and oblique phrase that recalls an atemporal and locational state of multiplicity. Its lack of specificity renders it indeterminate. Where is Fisher alluding to when she says ‘here is elsewhere’? It is both specific and vague. Yet it is also hopeful and inclusive. Fisher is signaling that right here (which can be inclusively read as being anywhere depending on the individual), is also elsewhere. Meaning that here does not have to be read as fixed. It can be somewhere else. The lack of a time–based structure to the sentence, can be taken to mean that here and elsewhere potentially can occur simultaneously. It can be wherever and whenever we want it to be, real and imagined.