A Golden Circle and Graphite Orb (2016 - 2018)

The idea for this work came about during a walk on the beach in Robe South Australia. Looking in one direction I could see the sun, and in another direction the moon. I always conceived this work as site specific which would be painted directly on walls. Sometimes these works are temporal (iterations 1, 2, 3, and 6 which were painted in public spaces. While iterations 4 & 5 as more permanent, painted in residential spaces. This work is on going as opportunities for future sites become available.

The dimensions for each iteration are responsive the the scale of the site.

1st iteration RMIT University Library (with David Thomas), Melbourne, 2016

2nd iteration Front Building of Stockroom, Kyneton, 2017

3rd iteration Gallery Stockroom, Kyneton, 2017

4th iteration Private residence, Castlemaine, 2017

5th iteration Private residence, Robe, 2017

6th iteration as part of the exhibition Secret Interiors at Hidden Space , Hong Kong,  2018